
French Official Won't Resign Over Pederasty Allegations

French culture minister Frédéric Mitterrand is refusing to resign following controversy over a passage in his book The Bad Life that insinuates he paid for sex with boys in Thailand. What do you think?

Steven Tetley • Angiographer

“Good for him! Resigning would only dignify the kind of trashy rumors insinuated in his autobiography.”

Steven Tetley • Angiographer

Hannah Piccarreto • Therapeutic Recreation Worker

“Now I really can’t wait to read all the dirt in German federal minister of food, agriculture and consumer protection’s Ilse Aigner’s new tell-all!”

Hannah Piccarreto • Therapeutic Recreation Worker

Rory Haddad • Unemployed

“What’s wrong with paying for sex with boys in France itself? Is he not a patriot?”

Rory Haddad • Unemployed