
Fracking Causing Earthquakes Across U.S.

A new U.S. Geological Survey report condemns the oil industry for fracking practices that vastly increase the frequency of earthquakes in states that usually have none, including Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and Colorado. What do you think?

Darien Aspell • Dairy Strainer

“Thank goodness this is happening in states that already have a high threshold for misery.”

Darien Aspell • Dairy Strainer

Seamus Dern • Umbrella Waterproofer

“Sure, that’s the scientists’ side of the story, but let’s hear from the people making a profit.”

Seamus Dern • Umbrella Waterproofer

Deanna Paulsen • Radish Appraiser

“Frankly, I find it ludicrous that my tax dollars go toward any studies whose findings I don’t want to hear.”

Deanna Paulsen • Radish Appraiser