
Fracking Causing Earthquakes?

Fracking wastewater is being blamed for several recent Youngstown, OH earthquakes, including one that reached a magnitude of 4.0. What do you think?

Gabrielle Davis • Flatwork Tier

“There is simply no science I will ever choose to believe in that supports that idea.”

Gabrielle Davis • Flatwork Tier

Wallace Schneider • Mica Inspector

“Don’t worry, the U.S. Geological Survey is devising ways to solve the problem. In the meantime, we’ll just have to put up with private corporations compromising the ancient bedrock underneath the North American continent’s surface.”

Wallace Schneider • Mica Inspector

Steve Bergman • Brake Holder

“Well, then, fudge that fracking fricking son-of-a-beach wastewater, if it helps you feel better.”

Steve Bergman • Brake Holder