
Flooding In Mozambique

Four weeks of severe flooding have left untold thousands dead and 240,000 homeless in Mozambique, with still more rain expected. What do you think of this dire international situation?

Todd Pollack • Lawyer

“First, we have to bail out the Africans because they don’t have enough water. Now, it’s because they have too much. Which is it, folks?”

Todd Pollack • Lawyer

Mark Schor • Telemarketer

“It’s awful what’s happening over there. We should start bombing as soon as possible.”

Mark Schor • Telemarketer

Brian Waller • Systems Analyst

“Mozambique, Mozambique, Mozambique. All you ever hear about in the news is Mozambique.”

Brian Waller • Systems Analyst

Bobbie Alexander • Dental Hygienist

“I just hope Paul Simon was airlifted to safety in time.”

Bobbie Alexander • Dental Hygienist

Lynne Allen • Homemaker

“It seems like wherever those Doctors Without Borders go, trouble crops up.”

Lynne Allen • Homemaker

Scott Groginsky • Postal Worker

“Oh, those brown people. What

Scott Groginsky • Postal Worker