Fish Murder Is Disgusting And Wrong

Hey folks, real grim Inside the Bench this week on a horrifying subculture of athletes that dare to lure fish in with sharpened hooks designed to look like worms or flies. Brings up some rough stuff from my childhood when my uncle would take me on trips with the express intent of torturing and killing as many fish as we could find.

It was a sick game. Cast a hook into the water. Allow this poor, brainless fish to believe, trusting as you please, that they were about to eat fish food. Then yank with all your might, nearly trying to rip a whole through the top of his mouth and head, eviscerating the creature before it could even be hauled onto the boat.

As what my mother always called a ’sensitive’ child, this inspired no shortage of crying and vomiting on my part. Please watch this piece as a favor to me and stop being part of the problem. Be part of the solution.