
Fingerprinting Foreign Visitors

To improve national security, last week the U.S. began fingerprinting and photographing foreigners arriving at air- and seaports. What do you think?

James R. Webb • Marine Engineer

“What? They have fingerprints? Those bastards become more like humans every day.”

James R. Webb • Marine Engineer

Paula Holt • Writer

“They’re taking photos? That’s useless. Everyone looks like a terrorist in an ID photo.”

Paula Holt • Writer

Shirley Crawford • Illustrator

“I’ve always thought that people should have to jump through more hoops for the privilege of visiting a glorious bastion of freedom and liberty like America.”

Shirley Crawford • Illustrator

Edgar Little • Systems Analyst

“This information will come in handy if we ever need to determine exactly who touched the counter at the St. Louis Arch gift shop.”

Edgar Little • Systems Analyst

Alex Mason • Dishwasher

“Why the hubbub? It’s not like we’re extracting delicious DNA samples from them. Did I say delicious? I meant invasive.”

Alex Mason • Dishwasher

Ronald Ramirez • Guard

“They do the photography and fingerprinting at no charge? America truly is the land of opportunity!”

Ronald Ramirez • Guard