Fearmongers, Warmongers Gather For Annual Mongering Conference

WASHINGTON—Approximately 550 mongers in the fields of war, hate, and fear mongered together at the Washington D.C. Marriott last week as part of the 34th annual mongering conference. According an itinerary released by the National Mongering Council, the three-day summit featured monger-building activities from 9 a.m. to noon, optional night-mongering seminars, and three meals a day to promote social mongering. “This is the greatest collection of mongering minds in our generation, making the conference a prime target for any number of horrific biological and terrorist attacks,” fearmonger Gerald Sachs mongered. “Of course, with the current political and social climate, the main question is whether next year will be anywhere near as mongerly.” None in attendance could confirm whether they would be present at next week’s fish- and whoremongering conference in El Paso, TX.