
FDA To Ban Ephedra

The FDA recently announced that it plans to prohibit sales of products containing ephedra, a stimulant sold primarily for weight loss. What do you think?

Donald Clark • Systems Analyst

“If they ban ephedra, they’re just going to drive fat people out into the streets for their weight-loss fix.”

Donald Clark • Systems Analyst

Alan King • Unemployed

“This is bullshit. I contacted the FDA after my cousin swallowed three wooden blocks and died, and you still see those on the market.”

Alan King • Unemployed

Steve Hernandez • Cook

“Well, for now, I can get along fine with bitter orange, royal jelly, and the lichen derivative usnic acid.”

Steve Hernandez • Cook

Martha Nelson • Product Tester

“How terrible! Americans have no other options for weight-loss products.”

Martha Nelson • Product Tester

Angela Hall • Teacher

“You can ban the drug ephedra, but you’ll never be able to ban what ephedra stands for.”

Angela Hall • Teacher

Gregory Green • Professor

“Why is it always the drugs that suffer when people get hurt?”

Gregory Green • Professor