Family Hoping Mother Knows Birthday Nature Walk A One-Time Thing

OSHKOSH, WI—Moments before they set out on a two-mile wilderness trail at a nearby state park, members of the Calverton family told reporters Friday they hoped their mother, Beth, realized her birthday nature walk was a one-time-only thing. “I know Mom’s pretty excited, but if she thinks we’re going to do this sort of thing again, she’s sorely mistaken,” said Calverton’s 16-year-old son, Garrett, who explained that he, his sister, and his father had only agreed to the outing because his mother was turning 50, adding that she had better not get her hopes up and start believing this might become a regular activity. “If she wants to come back by herself and walk along the other trails, that’s up to her. She just needs to know that today is a special occasion, and after this, we’re all done as far as family walks go. This is it.” Garrett Calverton went on to say that while he was willing to walk the whole trail without complaint, if his mother thought she could stop every 10 minutes to read each new sign explaining the area’s native plants and animals, then she had another thing coming.