Experts Confirm Best Response In Active Shooter Situation Just Being Yourself

IRVINE, CA—Emphasizing that it often made the difference between life and death, top safety experts confirmed Monday that the best response to an active shooter situation was just being yourself. “If you’re trapped in a public space where a mass shooting is taking place, the worst thing you can do is try to be something, or someone, you’re not,” said security consultant Franklin Dawes, who has studied casualty rates among people who failed to be their authentic selves when a gunman was roaming through a building and killing as many people as he could with a high-capacity semiautomatic rifle. “Running from a heavily armed murderer is hard enough without also running from your true self. So if you’re an extrovert, don’t hide. If you’re a freak, let your freak flag fly! At the end of the day, the shooter is comfortable enough in their own skin to be themselves and commit mass violence. If they can do their thing, why can’t you do yours?” Dawes added that it was also important to be authentic when lying in a pool of your own blood and dying, because first responders could always tell when victims were being fake as hell.