
Enormous Grace Slick Threatens California Coastline

SACRAMENTO, CA—In an emergency measure Monday, California Gov. Pete Wilson ordered two dozen Northern California coastal communities evacuated following the appearance of an enormous Grace Slick along the coastline near Monterey. “We have no knowledge at this time of how this Slick may be contained,” Wilson said. “But we are urging all residents in the immediate area to leave their homes and seek shelter inland.” Slick, who has reportedly reached an area coverage of 4.5 acres, was unavailable for comment. “I just hope the indigenous wildlife of this region can be saved,” said Greenpeace director Ron Wooten after surveying the damage. “So much devastation to the local ecosystem has occurred already. I pray the Slick does not continue to spread.” Slick’s rapidly spiraling mass has already destroyed the city of Berkeley, which Slick herself helped build on rock and roll.