
Embarrassed Woman Sneaks Out Of House Morning After Sex With Husband

POCATELLO, ID—Wearing the same clothes she had on the day before, local resident Amy Tisdale snuck out of the house Monday morning, reportedly embarrassed following an ill-advised night of sex with her husband Doug Tisdale. “I can’t believe I actually slept with that uggo,” said Tisdale, who added that she had been as quiet as possible while slipping out of bed, finding her clothes, and exiting the room she has shared with her spouse for the past nine years. “I had a few too many drinks last night and made a huge mistake. Now he’s going to get the wrong idea and think it was something more than just a one-time thing. The worst part is that I can feel the neighbors looking at me, like they know I’ve just been with him. Gross. I hope he doesn’t call me.” At press time, reports confirmed Tisdale shuddered after receiving a text from her husband asking what she wanted to do for dinner that night.