
Dogs' Thoughts 'Read' With MRI

Using fMRI imagery, scientists were able to see which parts of the brain were activated when specially trained dogs were offered treats. What do you think?

Joshua Guadagni • Turbine-Blade Assembler

“With these sophisticated technologies, we’ll be able to use ordinary treats to bend the dog to our will.”

Joshua Guadagni • Turbine-Blade Assembler

Bruce Robson • Automatic Screwmaker

“Did he say anything about walking in on me getting dressed that one time? Be specific. I’d really like to know what he thought.”

Bruce Robson • Automatic Screwmaker

Susan Richings • Millwright

“Why dogs? What I really want to find out is what hummingbirds are thinking. So many wing flaps per minute!”

Susan Richings • Millwright