Disillusioned Museum Admissions Employee Doesn’t Even Believe Own Annual Membership Pitch Anymore

MILWAUKEE—After more than nine months of enumerating for visitors the various member-only benefits and explaining how dues help support the museum’s mission to educate and inspire, disillusioned Milwaukee Art Museum employee Ashley Mizote told reporters Friday she no longer believes her own annual membership pitch. “I used to think that membership was an unbeatable value, but now I can barely get through my opening line about how an annual pass will connect visitors to the vibrant arts community without questioning the truth of it all,” said Mizote, who admitted that her voice often trails off during the part of her pitch about how members automatically receive important updates and offers via the museum’s e-newsletter. “I know the words, but I don’t feel them. Sure, for less than the cost of four regular day passes you can get free entry for the year, previews of select exhibitions, fast-track check-in, and 10 percent off at Café Calatrava, but will each visit truly be a stimulating and enriching cultural experience that you can’t put a price on? Who can honestly say?” At press time, a glassy-eyed Mizote responded to a patron’s question about the relative value of an individual versus a dual membership package by silently standing up from her desk and walking out of the museum.