
Disabled, Sewage-Laden Cruise Ship Returns To Port

Since an engine fire Sunday, the 4,200 people aboard the Carnival cruise ship Triumph have gone without electricity, waited hours in line for food, and endured raw sewage in rooms and on deck, prompting the company to offer reimbursements, $500 in cash, and a credit for a future cruise. What do you think?

Alfredo Mancini • Wiring Inspector

“Aw, man, all I got was Legionnaire’s Disease on my cruise.”

Alfredo Mancini • Wiring Inspector

Ernie Biggart • Systems Analyst

“On the bright side, I bet more than a few people had their scatological fantasies unexpectedly satisfied.”

Ernie Biggart • Systems Analyst

Sharon Kissick • Laryngologist

“But did everyone have fun?”

Sharon Kissick • Laryngologist