DEVELOPING: Driver Caught With Prostitute In Car During Daytona 500

During Sunday’s Daytona 500, NASCAR driver Taft Myers was caught with a prostitute in his car. Full coverage of this scandal tonight on SportsDome at a new time, 8/7c on Comedy Central. Here are more details as they come in:

2:35pm: Driver claims he picked up woman to serve as spotter, help him figure out fuel strategy.

1:23pm: Sources confirm that Daytona winner Trevor Bayne did not have illicit sexual encounters during race.

1:00pm: Crew chief rushes to driver’s defense: ’What a man and woman do in a racecar at 180 MPH is nobody’s business’

12:45pm: NASCAR driver reportedly picked up prostitute on Daytona infield in area known as “Dirtside”