Desperate Wheel Of Fortune Receives Approval To Use Swear Words

BURBANK, CA—Desperate for new phrases, Sony Pictures’ Wheel Of Fortune received special permission from the FCC Monday to use word puzzles containing objectionable language. “Twenty-three years of daily broadcasts have depleted us of every last familiar, non-offensive phrase,” Wheel Of Fortune producer Robert Reynolds said. “I mean, last night we were doing puzzles like ’Pyrrhic Victory’ and ’More To Be Pitied Than Censured,’ and nobody could guess them.” Beginning next week, the program will feature such phrases as “Balls To The Wall,” “Dick-Slapped,” “Titty Fuck,” “On The Rag,” “Greasy Wop” and “Fucked Eight Ways From Sunday.” The popular show will also introduce such profanity-laced “Before & After” puzzles as “What A Crock Of Shit For Brains.”