Dentist Hurt That Someone Would Deface Magazine Cover Model’s Smile Here Of All Places

MOUNT PROSPECT, IL—Picking up the waiting room periodical with a pained look on her face, local dentist Dr. Leigh Grace reported feeling hurt Thursday that someone would deface the teeth of a magazine cover model here, in her office, of all places. “What kind of sick person would do this at a dental practice, a place dedicated to the crafting of beautiful smiles?” a visibly upset Dr. Grace said as she stared at the fashion magazine, which featured a woman whose perfectly white, straight teeth had been sloppily colored in with black pen to give her a goofy-looking grin. “I am deeply saddened. You wouldn’t go into an optometrist’s office, pick up a newspaper, and draw an eye patch on the photo of an op-ed columnist, would you? We work day in, day out, and why do you think we do it? Yes, we get paid, but what really keeps us going is knowing that when our patients smile at us, they won’t look like—like some kind of raving, ignorant hayseed! This was a completely despicable act.” At press time, several patients had reportedly sat in Dr. Grace’s exam chair and asked if they could have the same look as the woman on the cover of the waiting room magazine.