Democrats Demand Recount After Insisting They Lost Race For Mayor Of Jacksonville

JACKSONVILLE, FL—Stunned and outraged by the results of the Jacksonville mayoral race, Florida Democrats reportedly demanded a recount Thursday after insisting they lost the election. “The Democratic Party condemns our victory, and rest assured, we will not let it stand,” said Mayor-elect Donna Deegan, who confirmed that state Democratic Party officials were filing a lawsuit against the Florida Elections Commission as she spoke, and vowed that they would take the fight to the highest court in the land if that’s what it took to lose. “In Jacksonville? Not on my watch. The Republican Party has a clear mandate here, and there’s no way in hell I’m going to stand in the way of that. We’ll recount these ballots as many times as it takes to achieve a loss.” At press time, Deegan added that she would be reaching across the aisle to work with moderate Republicans to ensure an upset like this never happened again.

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