
Creative Writing Teacher Announces Plan To Sit On Edge Of Desk

DAVIS, CA—Dressed in a pair of casual jeans to offset his tie, University of California-Davis creative writing professor Glenn Kohn, 30, announced plans today to begin Monday’s class by sitting on the edge of his desk, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, adjusting his tortoiseshell glasses, clapping once, and saying, “All right, young minds.” The unorthodox move is slated to occur sometime after he tosses an empty Starbucks cup over his head into a nearby wastebasket, proving to students that his introductory short story workshop is unlike any class they’ve ever taken. “For finals week, I may consider purchasing a baseball and tossing it up and down while they read aloud,” Kohn said. Students of Kohn’s are expected to respond to his free-spirited, nonconformist teaching style by blowing off his weekly one-page writing exercises.