
COX-2 Inhibitors

The FDA is currently deciding whether to restrict the use of COX-2 inhibitors, the widely used class of pain drugs which includes Vioxx. What do you think?

Sylvia Drake • Podiatrist

“Jesus, a couple people’s hearts explode, and everyone goes nuts.”

Sylvia Drake • Podiatrist

Carson Bloom • Systems Analyst

“I’m confused. How did they separate the effects of Vioxx from the other 1,372 things that give Americans heart attacks?”

Carson Bloom • Systems Analyst

Joe Moran • Plasterer

“I hope the invisible hand of capitalism is trained in CPR.”

Joe Moran • Plasterer

Eric Baumgartner • Sound Producer

“Hey, what about all the horrible side effects these drugs

Eric Baumgartner • Sound Producer

Pat Adkins • Prison Guard

“I wondered why that Celebrex TV ad showed an old guy in the middle of a sun-drenched wheat field having a heart attack.”

Pat Adkins • Prison Guard

Lisa Layman • Urban Planner

“They’re gonna ban COX-2 inhibitors? But that’s my third-favorite class of painkillers.”

Lisa Layman • Urban Planner