
Couples Battling For Trendy 12/13/14 Wedding Date

In the latest instance of couples clamoring for a trendy wedding date, a new poll by David’s Bridal has revealed that more than 20,000 couples are competing to get married on 12/13/14, leading many venues to raise prices due to demand. What do you think?

Samantha Bartlett • Yard Sale Consultant

“It may be a lot more work, but getting married on a sequential date is the kind of thing you’ll talk about for the rest of your lives.”

Samantha Bartlett • Yard Sale Consultant

Kayla Gondry • Urban Farmer

“My friends are going to be so jealous until they think about it a little longer.”

Kayla Gondry • Urban Farmer

Michael Stamper • Tech Desk Manager

“You can’t put a price on novelty.”

Michael Stamper • Tech Desk Manager