
Could Osama Get The Bomb?

Last week, President Bush disclosed that Osama bin Laden has been trying to acquire nuclear weapons. What do you think of the possibility?

Larry Messick • Systems Analyst

“Come on, how’s a multi-millionaire with close ties to the world’s most ruthless, amoral arms dealers gonna get his hands on a nuclear device?”

Larry Messick • Systems Analyst

Barry Frees • Plumber

“If so, he missed his chance: The Emmys were a few weeks ago.”

Barry Frees • Plumber

Kim Welker • Speech Therapist

“Let me guess what’s next: bin Laden has an asteroid the size of the moon, and he’s aiming it straight at the Earth.”

Kim Welker • Speech Therapist

Dan Butler • Landscaper

“Shit, we should be trying to find this guy.”

Dan Butler • Landscaper

Ronald Foray • Advertising Executive

“As a lifelong New Yorker, I must admit that central Kansas is not without a certain rustic, remote charm.”

Ronald Foray • Advertising Executive

Lois Vanderpyl • Architect

“What’s this? I’m sorry, I stopped paying attention to the news about three weeks ago out of sheer psychological self-preservation.”

Lois Vanderpyl • Architect