
Concern Over Tainted Beef

Despite the efforts of the FDA, tainted-beef scares, including cases of e-coli-related illness and death, persist in the U.S. What do you think?

Michael Mota • Computer Programmer

“Clinton has got to start making the quality of our nation’s patties a top priority.”

Michael Mota • Computer Programmer

Ross Mankowitz • Systems Analyst

“These days you just can’t trust beef slaughtered by anyone but yourself.”

Ross Mankowitz • Systems Analyst

Angela Juergens • Librarian

“As a vegetarian, I laugh at the problems of you evil meat-eaters. My lifestyle is infinitely superior, except for my intolerable self-righteousness and constant barrage of lentil farts.”

Angela Juergens • Librarian

Jonathan Murphy • Taxi Driver

“There’s got to be a way to monitor the quality of feces going into our beef.”

Jonathan Murphy • Taxi Driver

Liz Pistone • Dietitian

“To ensure that our meat is safe at home, I put it in the oven for eight weeks at 725 degrees.”

Liz Pistone • Dietitian

Frank Vitolo • Waiter

“We can easily avoid all these problems by eating meat substitutes like Steak-Umms.”

Frank Vitolo • Waiter