Conceptual Genius Goes As Self For Halloween

‘He Himself Is The Costume,’ Say Amazed Onlookers

SHERMAN OAKS, CA—Brilliantly subverting the very idea of a costume, conceptual genius Mark Richards, 27, reportedly stunned his fellow partygoers Friday when he announced that he had dressed as himself for Halloween. “This man looks no different than normal, yet he is in costume; the costume and he are one and the same!” said awed witness Kayla Hunt, speculating that Richards must have spent months or even years devising such a groundbreaking, visionary concept before debuting it for the lucky few party attendees in his coworker’s one-bedroom apartment. “It’s so elegantly simple and at once unfathomably complex. It begs the question: Where does the costume end and the man begin? Perhaps we can never truly know.” A dumbfounded Hunt went on to suggest that it now may be impossible for Richards to take off his remarkable costume even if he wanted.