
Cold Temperatures Help With Weight Loss

A recent study showed that exposure to lower temperatures forces the body to burn more calories in order to keep a steady internal temperature of 98.6 degrees, with scientists suggesting that turning down the thermostat could help people shed pounds. What do you think?

Adam Newman • Kiosk Salesman

“Now we know why everyone in the Midwest looks like a model during the winter.”

Adam Newman • Kiosk Salesman

Siobhan Rey • Luggage Inspector

“Yeah, but it’s more fun to be sitting next to a nice warm fire, chowing down on cheeseburgers.”

Siobhan Rey • Luggage Inspector

Harry Minoff • Panel Moderator

“Whether I’m sweating like a pig in the summer or freezing off the pounds in the winter, a slob like me really can’t lose.”

Harry Minoff • Panel Moderator