CNN And The Movies

CNN journalists have come under fire for a number of recent appearances in films, including The Lost World and Contact. What do you think about the mixing of journalism and Hollywood?

“If this trend continues, journalists will become made-up talking heads concerned more with ratings than reportage. I would not want to live in such a world.”

Cheryl Krenchicki • Gardener

“Did you ever see that one movie with Walter Cronkite about some war? I think it was called

Wayne Poole • Town Supervisor

“I just can’t trust reporters anymore. Not after Channel 12’s Jill Nystrom convinced me to go to Cranberry Days and it sucked.”

Roy Burnham • Engraver

“There’s only one reporter I can count on to give me the news straight:

Neil Engers • Pediatrician

“TV reporters should not be appearing in movies. It’s an abuse of their power and influence—power and influence that would be put to much better use spreading the Good News of our savior, Jesus Christ.”

Denise Thon • Systems Analyst

“Enough already: Kermit The Frog should stop fence-sitting and decide whether he’s a reporter or a muppet.”

Pete Orosco • Art Director