Clinton Vs. The NRA

In recent weeks, President Clinton and the National Rifle Association have been at war over the issue of gun control. What do you think?

“Guns don’t kill people; guns are designed and manufactured for the purpose of enabling people to use the guns to kill people.”

Wallace Carter • Systems Analyst

“Gun control? Oh, great. Now how am I going to well-regulate my militia?”

Lonald Molitor • Family Therapist

“People wouldn’t need guns if the government finally enacted some laws that get tough on deer.”

Tami Kerst • Manicurist

“Obviously, the president has never been captured by super-intelligent apes, or he’d feel differently about the importance of guns.”

Tom Estades • Assistant Manager

“What a

Francine Vanhandel • Typing Instructor

“As usual, the Democrats are manipulating the liberal media in a calculated bid to take away my fire stick. Unggh! Want fire stick!”

Dennie Decker • Carpet Cleaner