Clinton And The Fugitive Financier

Congress is investigating Bill Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich, a major Democratic Party contributor who since 1983 has been living in Switzerland to avoid trial for racketeering, tax evasion, and trading with Iran. What do you think?

“A powerful politician doing favors for a corrupt business crony? America has lost its innocence.”

Hugh Carter • Math Teacher

“Would you do any less for a loved one or major campaign contributor?”

Patrick Poulon • Systems Analyst

“Marc Rich’s plight is a lot like that of Native American activist Leonard Peltier, except Rich has eleventy gazillion dollars and isn’t in jail.”

Jessica Smith • Graduate Student

“I’m sure living a luxurious lifestyle in Switzerland for the past 18 years showed Rich the error of his ways.”

Harriet Swann • Guidance Counselor

“Come on, let him go. The poor guy’s done his time. He was president for eight years, for God’s sake.”

Marc Cowart • Electrician

“I wish Clinton could have pardoned my ass out of jail for robbing that camera store. Oh, and also for my oil deals with Iran.”

Henry Thalacker • Custodian