Cleveland Sportswriter Compares LeBron James To Craig Ehlo

CLEVELAND—Plain Dealer columnist Brandon Long, attempting to grade the playoff performance of Cavaliers forward LeBron James in terms his readers would understand, made extensive comparisons between the league’s top young player and former Cavs forward Craig Ehlo. “Some may say Craig Ehlo would not have allowed the Pistons to get inside his head, take him out of the game, and limit his scoring in the third quarter,” Long’s Tuesday column read in part. “Only the most die-hard Cavs fans would deny that James has Ehlo beat in terms of pure talent. I’m going to have to give it to James this time.” Long is expecting to be inundated with reader mail after claiming that James, unlike Ehlo, will most likely not exit the playoffs by having Michael Jordan shoot a series-clinching jumper over him.