
Christine Blasey Ford Testifies On Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh

Christine Blasey Ford provided testimony to the U.S. Senate about her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1982, saying she was “100 percent” certain of her claims. What do you think?

Rex Brandt • Talisman Polisher

“If we let this accusation derail this nominee, what kind of message are we sending to people who have no business being on the Supreme Court?”

Rex Brandt • Talisman Polisher

Harry Braun • Walkie Talkie Innovator

“Sure, but that’s only 78 percent of a man’s certainty.”

Harry Braun • Walkie Talkie Innovator

Eva Heaton • Candle Snuffer

“I think introducing consequences into politics is disgusting.”

Eva Heaton • Candle Snuffer