
Chinese Porn Filter A Failure

Green Dam, the image-scanning software designed by the Chinese to block pornography, also blocks more benign images, including a Garfield movie poster and pictures of cooked pork. What do you think?

Dennis Jessop • Sealing Machine Operator

“I’m so tired of computers doing our jobs for us! Someone like me, who is really good at identifying boobs and vaginas, should be doing that.”

Dennis Jessop • Sealing Machine Operator

Albert Brava • Airport Superintendent

“Garfield movie poster? What the heck is that doing in my browser history? Okay, you caught me. I was jerking off to the Garfield movie poster.”

Albert Brava • Airport Superintendent

Sharise Plumber • Upholstery

“What China needs to do is catalog every pornographic site, block those, then wait for people to lose interest in sex.”

Sharise Plumber • Upholstery