Child Who Just Wanted Clothes Spares Uncle’s Feelings By Pretending To Like Xbox

HAVERHILL, MA—Doing his best to mask his disappointment that the package didn’t contain the cable-knit cashmere sweater he’d had his heart set on, local child Max Campbell reportedly spared his uncle’s feelings Friday by pretending to like the Xbox One X he received as a gift. “Thanks, Uncle Joe, I’ll definitely get a lot of use out of this,” said the 9-year-old who sources said had earnestly been hoping for a new pair of Dockers and a versatile button-down Oxford. “Oh, you can play 4K Blu-Rays on it too? That’s pretty cool, I guess.” At press time, a crestfallen Campbell was reportedly forcing a smile after tearing open a second, smaller present from his uncle to reveal a copy of Fallout 4 instead of quilted leather racing gloves.