
Child-Porn Lite

The New York Times has uncovered more than 200 websites featuring sexually suggestive—but clothed—pictures of children that skirt child-pornography laws. What do you think?

Stephanie Greunwald • Nutritionist

“I’m not convinced that these pictures are authentic. Until I’m assured by experts that these children are being exploited, I will not be able to appreciate it.”

Stephanie Greunwald • Nutritionist

Hugo Perez • Green Grocer

“Anyone who thinks you have to go to the Internet to see suggestive children¹s clothing hasn¹t been to a department store lately.”

Hugo Perez • Green Grocer

Kevin Stensland • Systems Analyst

“So apparently my naked toddler on the beach is fine, but when I cover her up with some discreet pasties, suddenly it¹s dirty?”

Kevin Stensland • Systems Analyst