
Chicago Teachers Go On Strike

Unable to reach an agreement with city officials on issues of job security, health benefits, and teacher evaluations, 26,000 employees of Chicago’s public schools went on strike today, canceling classes for 400,000 students. What do you think?

Marlon Coopwood • Almond Huller

“But where will the kids go to shoot one another?”

Marlon Coopwood • Almond Huller

Fiona Zachary • Garment Weigher

“It’s hard to feel sorry for these teachers when you see them driving around in their lavish Toyota Corollas, eating out of their fancy sack lunches.”

Fiona Zachary • Garment Weigher

William Fetzer • Systems Analyst

“That old cow should burn Chicago down again so the city can just start over.”

William Fetzer • Systems Analyst