
Charlottesville Jury Recommends 419 Years Plus Life For Neo-Nazi Who Killed Protester

James Alex Fields Jr. was given a recommended sentence of life plus 419 years in prison for killing Heather Heyer and seriously injuring 35 others. What do you think?

Virginia Workman • Heirloom Tender

“Imagine the sentence if he hadn’t been a very fine person.”

Virginia Workman • Heirloom Tender

Alby Stubbs • Internet Disrupter

“Yeah, but you know he’ll end up actually only serving a century or two.”

Alby Stubbs • Internet Disrupter

Fred Simmons • Beeswax Collector

“That’s not fair. He killed someone and now he gets to live for another 419 years?”

Fred Simmons • Beeswax Collector