
Catholic Orgs Sue Over Birth-Control Rule

Several Catholic institutions, including Notre Dame, are suing the federal government over the Obama administration’s birth control funding mandate. What do you think?

Chris Dierkop • Systems Analyst

“I’m not sure how competitive Notre Dame will be this fall if half its starters are dutifully helping their knocked up girlfriends through their last trimesters rather than suiting up when Michigan comes to South Bend.”

Chris Dierkop • Systems Analyst

Amber Buckman • Unemployed

“I wouldn’t be so irritated with this situation if my Holy Ghost IUD was more reliable.”

Amber Buckman • Unemployed

Frankie Hansen • Numerical Control Machine Operator

“Why can’t we just return to the good old days, when Catholics were having pre-marital sex without contraception, going away for nine months to give birth in a secluded farmhouse, returning to have more pre-marital sex without contraception, and eventually meeting and marrying the closeted gay husband of their dreams?”

Frankie Hansen • Numerical Control Machine Operator