
Cartel Kills 18 In Rehab

A Mexican drug cartel is being blamed for the shooting deaths of 18 patients at a rehab clinic. What do you think?

Liam Freiman • Elevator Repairman

“People are so quick to blame things on drug cartels. Did anyone ever consider that those 18 people might all have the same jealous boyfriend?”

Liam Freiman • Elevator Repairman

Sarah Shapiro • Marketing Executive

“As a marketing executive, I’m intrigued by the idea of maintaining product loyalty by threatening former customers with death.”

Sarah Shapiro • Marketing Executive

Demitri Cervenkova • Systems Analyst

“I’m going to use this as a cautionary tale for my children as soon as I figure out what the non-ironic moral is.”

Demitri Cervenkova • Systems Analyst