
Captivated By Carolyn

Carolyn Bessette, John F. Kennedy Jr.’s new bride, has captivated all of America with her beauty and style. What do you think of the woman who’s being called “the new Jackie Kennedy”?

Ellen Quinlan • Defense Attorney

“Carolyn is so beautiful. She must, like, go to Glamour Shots

Ellen Quinlan • Defense Attorney

Jerry McInnis • Dairy Farmer

“President Lincoln’s son, John F. Lincoln Jr., married a girl named Mary Bessette. They ended up getting killed on a steamboat. Beware, I say!”

Jerry McInnis • Dairy Farmer

Roger Thewlkes • Flight Attendant

“Sure, she’s got the poise, the grace and the looks, but how good is she at catching chunks of her husband’s brains in the back of a speeding convertible?”

Roger Thewlkes • Flight Attendant

Christine Girolamo • Systems Analyst

“I love her! In fact, I just finished reading her new autobiography,

Christine Girolamo • Systems Analyst

Sean Singleton • Bassoon Player

“What an elegant, glamorous woman. That JFK Jr. sure did pick an amazing lady to lose his virginity to.”

Sean Singleton • Bassoon Player

Ted O’Brien • Dermatologist

“Finally, America has a clearly defined alpha male and alpha female to defer to. I’m so relieved!”

Ted O’Brien • Dermatologist