
Bush In Jordan

President Bush is winding down a diplomatic tour with a visit to Jordan to meet with King Abdullah II and Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. What do you think?

Phil Watson • Park Guide

“It makes sense to hold such a summit in Jordan. After all, the number of Bush effigies per capita are slightly lower there than the rest of the Middle East.”

Phil Watson • Park Guide

Vic West • Building Superintendent

“Hopefully, Bush has learned a great deal on this big, long travel trip. For example, he has probably learned where Jordan is. Or at least that Jordan is a country in the world.”

Vic West • Building Superintendent

Brianna McCoy • Candy Maker

“Extravagant meals, five-star hotels, vibrant cultural entertainment—the president is finally getting an accurate picture of what’s going on on the ground.”

Brianna McCoy • Candy Maker