Bush And The ABM Treaty

Worried about nuclear attacks by terrorists and rogue states, President Bush pulled out of the ABM treaty in the hopes of building a missile shield. What do you think?

“This is a wise move on Bush’s part, considering the fact that terrorists possess elaborate launching systems capable of firing nuclear missiles into space.”

Larry Edwards • Systems Analyst

“It’s reassuring to know that, after everything that’s happened in the past three months, there’s still irrefutable proof that Bush is a dick.”

Marjorie Ready • Student

“The ABM treaty was a noble but ultimately flawed idea that hindered our ability to bomb the fuck out of countries we don’t like.”

Will Lathon • Auto Mechanic

“As a full-blooded Native American, I’d like to know why everyone’s acting so goddamned surprised.”

Leonard Whitecloud • Cashier

“A missile-defense system is all the more vital now that we’ve pissed off Russia so bad.”

Thomas Provenza • Lawyer

“This shield will protect us from terrorists who steal radioactive industrial-waste materials and build ’dirty bombs’ aimed at subways, bridges, and other public spaces, right? Phew.”

Lauren Keith • Dental Hygienist