
Blood Spatter Analyst Concludes It’s All The Red Stuff

DENVER—As part of an ongoing investigation into a brutal homicide that so far has no clear suspects, an official report released Wednesday by the Denver Police Department’s senior blood spatter analyst concluded that it’s all the red stuff. “After conducting a thorough examination of the crime scene, we were able to determine that the blood was in fact the goopy, bright crimson liquid we found splashed all over the place in there,” said Dr. Gerald R. Watts, the forensic criminologist who performed the bloodstain-pattern analysis, confirming he had more than 25 years of experience locating and correctly identifying the blood in murder cases. “The thing about blood is, it’s usually found inside of a person. So a layperson might reasonably conclude the red drops spattered all over the floor, walls, windows, and ceiling in that room were something else. As a trained professional, though, I had a hunch it was blood. What tipped me off, first and foremost, was the dead body lying nearby. I knew that the stuff sprayed all over the bedroom, in a path leading down the hallway, and even on a firearm discovered at the scene was probably blood from that body. Because nine times out of 10, that’s the way it works.” Watts added that he could not determine what the large pool of red liquid found near the corpse might be, noting that his expertise only enabled him to analyze blood when it had been spattered.