
Bitch Waitress Apparently Not Going To Post About $1,000 Tip On Social Media

MIAMI—Describing the 26-year-old restaurant worker as an “ingrate” and a “bitch,” sources reported Tuesday that local waitress Tia Murray was apparently not going to use social media to post about the $1,000 tip she had received. “So she’s just going to keep it to herself, huh?” said sources, who noted that it had been nearly a week since the server had been left the four-figure gratuity, and they had not yet seen a single viral tweet, Instagram post, or Facebook screenshot applauding the selfless act. “It’s not that hard. She just has to take a picture of the receipt. The post practically writes itself. I really thought the local news reporters would have started calling by now. Is she not on social media or something? How’s that even possible? My Google alerts aren’t picking up a damn thing either. I’m going to doxx that piece of shit.” At press time, Murray was reportedly still seething over being shorted on the $12,057 bill.