
Bill Gates Offers $100K For More Pleasurable Condom

Philanthropist and former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has offered a $100,000 grant to anyone who can reinvent the condom to make protected sex more pleasurable in an effort to help prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections worldwide. What do you think?

Seth Cates • Automobile Upholsterer

“Might be a cool product, but I doubt Gates can ever top Windows 98.”

Seth Cates • Automobile Upholsterer

Gail Peldon • Systems Analyst

“I think the Super-Ribbed Ultra-Thin Pleasure Pounders from the machine in the truck stop men’s bathroom might be just what Bill Gates is looking for.”

Gail Peldon • Systems Analyst

Lou Thoemke • Hotel Concierge

“Just picturing Bill Gates’ charitable visage is all the pleasure I need.”

Lou Thoemke • Hotel Concierge