Biden Confident After Spending Super Tuesday Stumping Across Iowa

DES MOINES, IA—Expressing optimism about how the upcoming electoral contest would play out, presidential candidate Joe Biden was reportedly feeling confident about his chances this week after spending Super Tuesday stumping across Iowa. “I’ve spent the last 24 hours crisscrossing the state to get people excited about the Biden campaign, and tonight all that hard work pays off,” said the former vice president, recalling the dozens of stops he’d made in towns like Dubuque and Mason City to hold rallies in school gyms and rec centers to urge Iowans to vote. “I’m feeling really good about our chances here, especially since it seems like a lot of my rivals have completely given up on the state. You’d be amazed how shocked Hawkeyes are when they see me stopping into their local diner, and I think we’re going to be able to translate that excitement into big numbers at the polls.” Biden added that he was hopeful his momentum from Iowa would propel him to a knock-out victory in New Hampshire.