Biden Campaign Tugs At Voters’ Heartstrings With New Ad Showing Candidate Eating All Alone At Olive Garden

WASHINGTON—In an emotional appeal to voters, the Biden reelection campaign released a new ad Friday showing the candidate eating all alone at an Olive Garden restaurant. Shot in stark lighting with a melancholy orchestral score, the 60-second spot features the president sitting by himself at a table that could have easily accommodated four. In the ad, which has aired on primetime TV in every 2024 battleground state, the restaurant is filled with happy, chattering couples and groups of friends who take no notice of a solitary Biden as he silently pushes a breadstick around on his plate and tries to take a sip of a depleted soda that is now nothing but ice. The commercial concludes with the president murmuring, “When I’m here, I’m family,” and gazing for 20 seconds at his own reflection in a darkened window as the words appear on the screen.