Biden Campaign Considering Using The Internet To Attract Voters

PHILADELPHIA—Saying it was definitely something they were looking into, officials with Joe Biden’s presidential campaign confirmed to reporters Wednesday they were actively exploring the possibility of using the internet to attract voters. “We may use it, we may not, but yes, it is one of the outreach tools on our radar at this time,” said Biden 2020 co-chair Cedric Richmond, adding that the campaign “didn’t want to get ahead of itself,” but if surveys showed there was a sizable block of registered voters using the technology, it might eventually hire two or three staffers to work on the internet full-time. “It’s pretty cutting-edge stuff. The web can send text and images right to people’s computer screens, so it may actually turn out to be an effective means of spreading the vice president’s message. And who knows, there might even be a way to raise money through the internet. We’ll be conducting more research into the matter as soon as we install the free trial disk we have in our files.” At press time, the Biden campaign had reportedly published a single standard-definition photo of the presumptive Democratic nominee on a Blogger account set to private.