
Barack, Michelle Obama Get Book Deals

The former president and first lady have each signed book deals with Penguin Random House following a bidding war among publishers that reportedly reached heights of $60 million. What do you think?

Geoff Haim • Goat Wrangler

“I had hoped Michelle’s next project would be adapting ‘American Grown’ for the big screen.”

Geoff Haim • Goat Wrangler

Tina Rickert • Tribute Appraiser

“I also miss the Obamas, but at some point, Penguin will need to accept that no amount of money can bring them back.”

Tina Rickert • Tribute Appraiser

Howie Dern • Blender Salesman

“Just tell me what page the Bin Laden raid starts on.”

Howie Dern • Blender Salesman