Babysitter Told To Help Herself To Anything In Medicine Cabinet

MINNEAPOLIS—Insisting that the caregiver make herself at home, parents Greg and Sarah Meyer reportedly told 17-year-old babysitter Charlotte Kent on Wednesday to help herself to anything she wanted in the medicine cabinet. “So you have our numbers, you know that bedtime is 9 p.m., and after Natalie is down, definitely feel free to kick back with a movie and enjoy something nice from the the medicine cabinet,” said Sarah Meyer, telling the high schooler that they kept the cabinet well-stocked with Xanax, Valium, dextro, Zyprexa, and even some Oxies. “I know Nat can be a handful sometimes, so I totally get it if you want to toss back some of her Addies. Plenty of cough syrup in there, too, if you need something to wash it down with. Seriously, a bunch of that stuff is expiring, so you’d be doing us a favor. All right? Just go crazy.” At press time, Meyers had added that Kent could also feel free to give their daughter a handful of pills from the medicine cabinet if she was good.

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