
Astronaut Becomes First Woman To Reach Deepest Point In Ocean

Former astronaut Kathy Sullivan, the first U.S. woman to walk in space, made history again this week by diving a submersible vehicle to the deepest point in the Mariana Trench, becoming the first woman to visit the area that sits nearly seven miles below the Pacific Ocean. What do you think?

Ken Poulin • Amphibious Vehicle Mechanic

“Where will she

Ken Poulin • Amphibious Vehicle Mechanic

Janae Stephens • Parakeet Counselor

“Makes sense. The ocean is essentially outer space but wetter.”

Janae Stephens • Parakeet Counselor

Bradley Landrum • Rotary Phone Devotee

“Big whoop. You can throw someone overboard and they’ll eventually make it down there, too.”

Bradley Landrum • Rotary Phone Devotee